What I love the most about Bricks is the query loop builder. It's rich in features and has the capability of querying taxonomies, and paired with Bricks dynamic data tags, it pushes the limits of what you can do with dynamic data.

Udoro 'Cracka' Essien Developer & YouTuber -  Design with Cracka
Udoro 'Cracka' EssienDeveloper & YouTuber, Design with Cracka
Query Loop Database Queries

Dynamic queries across elements

Infuse dynamic queries across multiple elements such as div, block, container, section, slider, slider (nestable), and the accordion and accordion (nestable).

Create dynamic content cards, listings, sliders, and accordions, presenting content in structured and engaging ways.


A collage showing the Bricks Query Loop settings panel and various styled front-end loops such as recent posts, users, categories, media and shopping cart items.
Accordion (Nestable)
Slider (Nestable)
A screenshot of the Bricks Query Loop settings that queries WooCommerce products next to a product card.
Basic query settings

Streamlined control

Optimize data access with intuitive basic query settings. Extract data effortlessly from your database, with no coding skills necessary.

A collage showing the taxonomy and meta query settings panel next to a styled products list.
Advanced queries

Taxonomy and meta queries

Fetch posts based on specific taxonomy terms or values of custom fields (meta data, dynamic data) with taxonomy- and meta queries.

A collage showing a custom query editor screen with some code in it next to a styled query result.
Query editor

Custom database queries 

Write your own custom database queries in PHP with the Query Loop Editor. Unlocking full flexibility and precise control over your website's content output.

Content Navigation

Enhanced content browsing

Infinite Scroll and Load More

Seamless user experience

Enhance browsing with infinite scrolling and pre-built loading animations. Enjoy uninterrupted content consumption, swift load times, and simple navigation.

A numbered page navigation with 10 pages in total below a blog paragraph.
Structured Browsing

Pagination for precise navigation and improved accessibility

Improve site structure and SEO with enhanced pagination. Precise navigation for improved accessibility and performance.