I'm seriously (happy!) emotional right now because you are the first full-blown page builder creator who cares and understands so much about accessibility and implements it right.


Build advanced & fully customizable navigation menus

Our nav nestable element offers you endless possibilities to create menus that perfectly match your vision. Whether you want to nest dropdowns, multi-level menus, mega menus, or unique menu structures, the nav nestable gives you the freedom to craft menus that go beyond the ordinary.

A desktop website screenshot showing a mega-menu dropdown below a horizontal navigation menu that partly covers the website content.
Mega menus

Populate more complex navigation through bold and visually appealing mega menus.

An offcanvas/sidebar menu with some menu items including drop-downs, text and a button in the foreground and a slightly darkened website content in the background.
Offcanvas menus

Optimize screen space and enhance accessibility with an Offcanvas menu. Smooth-sliding navigation for mobile-friendly designs.

A fullscreen mobile menu with close-toggle button and some menu items on a smartphone screen.
Mobile menus

Optimize the mobile viewing experience for every device through breakpoint-specific styles. To build truly user-friendly, responsive design for optimized mobile browsing.

An expanded dropdown content within a horizontal desktop menu.

Streamline navigation with efficient, accessible and user-friendly dropdowns. Improve content categorization and space utilization.

The familiar WordPress menu editor next to a styled dropdown menu.
wordpress-2WordPress menus

Leverage the familiar WordPress Menu screen for seamless, maintainable menu creation. Blend custom design and ease of use.

A desktop website screenshot showing a mega-menu dropdown below a horizontal navigation menu that partly covers the website content.
An offcanvas/sidebar menu with some menu items including drop-downs, text and a button in the foreground and a slightly darkened website content in the background.
A fullscreen mobile menu with close-toggle button and some menu items on a smartphone screen.
An expanded dropdown content within a horizontal desktop menu.
The familiar WordPress menu editor next to a styled dropdown menu.


All menu elements come with built-in accessibility to allow every visitor to navigate and understand your site with ease.

Animated toggles

Add a touch of playfulness to your website's navigation. Enjoy smooth transitions and engage users with interactive menu toggles.

Fully customizable

Get creative and add any element you desire! Enhance your menus with images, videos, tabs, and more. The possibilities are limitless.


Supercharge your WordPress menus

Designing high-quality desktop and mobile menus with the Nav Menu element is a breeze. You can populate with any of your WordPress menus and easily style them for desktop and mobile. Turn any submenu into a multi-level or mega menu as needed.

A collage showing a horizontal desktop menu, a vertical menu and a mobile menu with close-toggle button.
An offcanvas/sidebar menu with some menu items including drop-downs, text and a button in the foreground and a slightly darkened website content in the background.
ELEMENT: Offcanvas

Open new horizons in your website's user experience

The offcanvas element lets you to stow away additional content, complex navigation menus, mobile menus, or interactive items off-screen.

With a simple click on a fully-customizable toggle, your users can access this information. Creating a dynamic interaction that keeps them engaged without overwhelming them with content.

Nav (Nestable)
Nav Menu